Do you feel empty when going through change? Has COVID or (insert any stressor) brought transitions to your life? Today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast shares her philosophy on how to be whole. Karen Gould has been a marriage and family therapist for over 30 years and runs her own private psychotherapy practice, Therapy for a Balanced Life. Her goal is to help people cope with life’s stressors, discover tools to develop and embrace relationships and live a life they love with purpose. She showcases her formula: “Six Facets of a Balanced Life” including tons of simple physical and mental healthy living tips. Karen also shares her vision for adult pre-schools, the importance of tapping into creativity and her love of healthy rituals especially Friday Field Trips.
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Karen talks about her framework for those going through any transition. These six facets can help whether you’re dealing with a new marriage or divorce, a new baby or a big one that is graduating, a loss of a family member or loss of a job. We all go through transitions in life and Karen is here to share how she guides people to take care of themselves, engage to be their best self and ultimately be whole.

I met Karen almost 40 years ago, I was eight. My family had recently moved from the east coast to Minnesota. When we were invited to a family gathering in neighboring state, Wisconsin – I couldn’t wait to jump in the car and head to Milwaukee. I remember seeing her amongst our family – thinking WOW she is sooooooooo pretty. And WOW – she’s always smiling, too. It wasn’t just that I saw her smiling, when she came to talk to me, she had this kindness in her eyes like she actually wanted to be talking to ME. So, years later when we reconnected, I wasn’t surprised to hear that her life’s work is to help people….because I felt that connection and trust way back then.
Not only is Karen an expert in psychotherapy as well as marriage, family and life transitions, she’s experienced a storied health history, so knows hardship. She truly believes we can all be a “a partner in our own wellness, not a victim of illness.” She’s incredibly resilient and full of insight, so I can guarantee you will learn something from this episode. If you like it, please check out the others…and rate, review and subscribe. You leaving a review helps us with our podcast ranking. The higher we are ranked, the more people can discover our show and the more inspirational content we can bring to you and others.
How to Be Whole – Six Ways to Be Engaged with Ourselves Show Notes
Therapy for a Balanced Life:
Viktor Frankel’s Logotherapy:
Ep 31: Dr. Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jeffries – Anti-cancer Living:
The Grateful Game:
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