Festivities and a gazillion gifts, whatever holiday you celebrate, this time of year tends to be filled with them: cheerful music, yummy foods, big gifts, small gifts, healthy gifts, experience-related gifts and more. Whether you’re focused on health all year round or want to ignite a little extra wellness into your family life, we’ve got you covered with this year’s Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2021. We believe in thoughtful gifts that bring a little happiness and good health into your life. This is our seventh year curating wellness gift lists, so while we have a ton we love (see our past lists), we also look for what’s new, trending and easy to add to our lives. Here’s to taking small steps toward better health and happiness.

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Mini Episode: Healthy Holiday Substitutions
Do your clothes feel tighter this holiday season? Are the holidays your excuse to over-consume in all the festivities? This week on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast – I’m dropping a mini-episode about healthy holiday substitutions. Living plant-based the past seven years, I’ve stumbled upon a few healthy and hearty holiday foods that are fun and festive. Many traditions involve lots of comfort foods that cause us to overeat and feel blah. Making simple healthy substitutions to your holiday can improve how you feel, both mind and body throughout the season and beyond.

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2018
Walk into a brightly decorated mall or turn on a TV-connected device and you will hear sounds of holiday songs reminding us that the season is here. I love all the Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s festivities bringing people together. In theory, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. However, it can be stressful to shop for thoughtful gifts when you have an already busy schedule. That’s why I LOVE sharing with you my favorite healthy gift ideas that help promote wellness. This year, we continue to highlight presents that will wow the healthy living enthusiast and motivate those that want to take small steps toward better health.

Festive Healthy-ish Holiday Drinks
We all have vices. Mine used to be sugar…and cheese…and diet soda…and creamy alcoholic drinks and the list continued on and on. However, when I first started researching healing and disease prevention modalities, I quit eating ALL this crud and haven’t looked back. I also prioritized fitness or simply being active and played with mindfulness techniques. The one area, call it my vice, that I have not given up has been drinking wine.

2017 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
I love bright lights and shimmery glitter. I love finding reasons to celebrate. And I love to be LOVED, which is why I absolutely cherish the holiday season. Beyond the parties, presents and dressed up people, what truly makes the holiday season special is the positivity that radiates. People come together to celebrate the season and enjoy each other. For all those celebrations and gift-giving events, we’re back with our fourth edition of the Pretty Wellness Healthy Holiday Gift Guide. Truly thoughtful gifts warm the hearts of both the giver and receiver. This is why I love sharing my favorite holiday gift ideas that promote wellness.

2016 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
For bargain shoppers, creative gift-givers and home decor aficionados, the most wonderful time of year is the winter holiday season. What truly makes the season so special is the daily love and cheery sentiments. Although, in this month of festivities, who doesn’t enjoy a silly secret gift exchange or meaningful present from a loved one? Now in our third year, it’s our tradition to showcase our favorite holiday gifts that promote wellness. Check out our newly-released 2016 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide that includes ideas for kids of any ages. Hopefully these will impress and excite your favorite wellness warrior, fit kid or friend who’s ready to take small steps toward better health.