After my second cancer diagnosis, I started to research who was thriving with cancer and what were they doing to be well. I learned that wellness is about consistent self-care – creating everyday practices that help improve your body and mind toward a state of good health. And studies show – according to Harvard Medical School that within “positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness, which is why I promote small gratitude practices for all of us…And I’m here to show you how, check out my latest WTNH-TV wellness segment on this topic.

How to Start a Gratitude Practice

How To Give Your Pantry a Healthy Upgrade
Making healthy living easy has always been the goal…for my family, friends and YOU. When I changed my lifestyle eight years ago, I had found that creating checklists helped me efficiently stock products while also not overdoing it. As it’s getting colder, I’m now grabbing pantry items more readily. Ingredients for warm soups, hearty healthy whole grains and satisfying snacks fill my cabinet, so wanted to provide my resources. If you’re looking on how to give your pantry a healthy upgrade, we’ve got you covered.

2021 Fall Wellness Trends
Looking for healthy lifestyle inspiration as the season changes? Minimalism and mindfulness continue to be a theme heading into the fall and winter. Here’s a look at some easy to apply 2021 fall wellness trends, in an effort to motivate you to take small steps toward better health and happiness.

The Grateful Game on TV – IGTV
Do you know a few minutes of tapping into gratitude can help with your health? As our “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast listeners know, we do a segment on the podcast about gratitude called “The Grateful Game” and are now spinning it off for IGTV. Each Monday I will go live and connect with you (so follow us on @PrettyWellness on Instagram to join) – with thoughts on gratitude and show how easy it can be to start your own healthy routine.

Top Five Wellness Trends for Fall 2019
Wellness trends aren’t just for New Year’s. As seasons change, just like we swap our wardrobes, we can update our habits. We started Pretty Wellness as a way to inspire busy women to take small steps toward better health. We love to share stories, suggestions and sometimes stats on-air, on-line and in-person. Enjoy learning about some of the top wellness trends this fall on our latest WTNH-TV wellness segment. Consider how you can make some tweaks to your lifestyle to improve your health, well-being and happiness with our top five list for fall.

Healthy Lifestyle Hacks
We all want to make our lives a little easier, right? Finding simple solutions and lifestyle hacks can be the answer when you want to improve your health. We started to share information together on how to take small steps toward better health. Whether you’re a working mom, a stay-at-home parent, an up-and-coming 20-something or anyone in-between, we’re all trying to find our way through a busy and complicated life. After my second cancer diagnosis, I learned that focusing on taking care of myself and tweaking my lifestyle, helped me feel amazing even under the stress of treatments. Now, it’s my mission to share this with everyone and create conversations together about our wellbeing. Taking small steps toward better wellness can put us all on the path to the life we want to live both personally and professionally. It starts with putting one foot in front of the other. This can be made easier, when you look for healthy life hacks to instill into your routine.