If you’re looking for an expert in dealing with the hardships of your marriage, this week’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is for you. Jessica Klingbaum is a former Emmy nominated network TV producer turned wellness entrepreneur and founder of exExperts – an encouraging and resourceful online divorce resource and community. Jessica shares her story and how she found her way through divorce. She shares how she wished she had a one-stop shop for all the resources she uncovered during the process. So, together with a friend, who got divorced at the same time, they made that happen by launching exExperts.

Ep. 37 – An Outlet for Hope and Help with Divorce

Ep. 36 – A Healthy Kinda Life with Food Allergies
Do you know someone with a food intolerance or that has life altering allergies? Jamie Heydenrych is this week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, a math teacher by day, entrepreneur by night and mom of a food allergy child all the time. She shares her family’s story – the challenges dealing with food allergies as well as the opportunities to help people live with them.

Ep: 35 – Loving Advice from The Relationship Chick
Have you heard of toxic relationships? This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, Crystal Williams, shares her divorce story and relationship advice that led her to be crowned, “The Relationship Chick.” Whether you’re recently out of a relationship, curious about your current one or just want to hear some wholesome advice on how to connect better with yourself – Crys has plenty of good stories and suggestions to share.

25 Ways to Spread Love
The day I received the heartbreaking news of my stage IV disease, I felt lost and overwhelmed with fear. Though I had cancer before, stage IV felt scarier than the first diagnosis and I didn’t know what to do or where to reach out. Something pulled me to a spiritual place. I picked up the phone to call a priest who was close friends with my in-laws. He answered the phone and told me that his next appointment cancelled and I should drive over to meet him. Though we share a different faith, his words resonated and filled me with hope and was exactly what I needed at that time. What stood out to me most in the conversation was these words: “Caryn – live with a loving stance.”
Initially I thought, “what does that mean? How can I live with a loving stance in my own life?” Obviously, wise words from religious figures, role models, scholars or even greeting cards are meant to be interpreted individually. However, I saw it as not just about romantic love or self-love, but about spreading love in my day-to-day.

Ep. 34: Childhood Dream Leads to Creative Second Act
Do you still think about your childhood dreams…and wonder where your life might be if you followed them? Today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, talks about just that…I’m excited to introduce you to Samantha (aka Sam) Ramsdell – who is TikTok famous for her witty comedy bites and singing sensations. She’s a singer and comedian, with theatrical experiences in numerous off-broadways and regional showcases. While creating music and comedy is her love…by day she’s a corporate sales exec. She never thought as a kid that she could make a career out of her hobbies and talents, so frankly went a safer route. Though in recent years, she’s learned to approach her career differently. I am thrilled for her to share her story about the hardship and blessings of following dreams – especially when it’s her second career act.

Ep. 33: Lighting the Way – Healing from Trauma
Do you believe in miracles or finding a way to be whole after a traumatic experience? I’m honored to introduce you to this week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast – Anne Reeder Heck. She’s an author, speaker, healer, and artist devoted to inspiring and guiding women. At 26 years old Anne was brutally raped and attacked by a stranger. On today’s episode we talk about the attack and how she’s lighting the way, helping herself and others healing from trauma.