No stranger to darkness, CEO and founder of Pretty Girl Makeup, Sepsis Awareness Advocate and celebrity makeup artist, Christina Flach, knows how to see beauty and light around her even through hard times. On this week’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, Christina dives into the loss of her husband from sepsis as well as the grief she experienced through losing her son and mother. While she’s familiar with hardship, she refuses to allow it to define her. Christina shares life lessons on grief, stress, service, wellness and gratitude that will inspire us all to seek beauty (inside and out) and help us be the best version of ourselves.

Ep. 88: Choosing Light – How to Feel Beautiful with Christina Flach

Ep. 59 – Lawyer Cooks Up Happiness Recipe
Do you know what makes you happy or do you need some help figuring that out? This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is Rebecca Morrison, a lawyer turned happiness coach and author of The Happiness Recipe. Becky spent nearly two decades with a career in the Big Law and Finance industries managing people and trying to figure out her own happiness. She’s turned her experience and expertise into a business and shares with us today – tips and tools on how to figure out our own happiness recipe.

Ep. 29: Radiating Joy Even After ALS Diagnosis
I’m excited to introduce you to Lynn Giovannelli on this week’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. I was told she’s a bright light and amazing in 1,000 ways and with that introduction, I couldn’t wait to connect with her. People who know her best say she’s a kind, loving and passionate spirit that’s filled with energy, faith and compassion. Lynn is no stranger to hardship – having been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and saw her company fall during the real estate crash of 2009. While her health has changed over the years, friends all say that one thing that has remained steady is her unbounded spirit. I’m honored that today Lynn shares her story about her recent ALS diagnosis.

Episode 4: Roxane Battle – Pockets of Joy – Dad’s Dementia & Life’s Dealings
When life gets tough, it’s easy to crawl into a hole. Today’s podcast guest knows hardship – and thinks differently than you might expect. She found that tapping into “pockets of joy” has helped her. TV personality, author and motivational speaker, Roxane Battle, shares this message with the world. Today’s episode is about that – the importance of connection and finding a little bit of happiness throughout your hardship.

We Can Choose Joy
We all have the power of choice. As hard as it might be at times, we can choose to wake up in the morning and be in a good mood. Despite bad weather, a burnt breakfast or any other seemingly annoying thing, we can choose to not let it bring down our day.
I thought I knew how to choose joy. After all, I did it in the hardest moments of my life. Throughout my first and second diagnosis with breast cancer, I smiled and handled myself with grace. I found a way to focus on fun despite the hardship. And I learned it from a wonder woman of positive spirit, Mary Ann. On one of my toughest days, just hours after being diagnosed as a 31-year old breast cancer patient, Mary Ann came to me. A kind-hearted and super-souled woman, she guided me through those first six months, helping me understand the intense physical and emotional toll of cancer. She assured me that even as a newlywed cancer patient, I could be happy. I listened. And I was.