Do you believe that age is just a number? Today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, award winning author, known for A Delightful Little Book on Aging and now Creatrix Rising, believes there’s beauty and celebration in every age. Stephanie Raffelock is a writer, motivational speaker and former iHeart Radio host who inspires women to embrace the strength and passion of their personal story. Stephanie enlightens women on how to embrace their age…and see it as the next great adventure.

Ep. 56 – The Beauty of Aging

Ep. 55: A Functional Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease
This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is Amylee Amos, founder of the Amos Institute, a company that helps people prevent and reverse cognitive decline using a functional medicine approach. She’s been trained by some of the world’s highly acclaimed leaders, doctors and Alzheimer’s researchers…and is one of the only dietitians in the U.S. certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine. On today’s episode Amylee shares her family’s story with Alzheimer’s disease and how early interventions can help prevent it.

Ep. 54: Teen R&B Pioneer Uses Her Voice to Inspire
Have you ever dreamed of being a musical superstar…having a beautiful voice while also sharing your wisdom with the world? Today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast has both. In fact, Sara Porritt, diversity and inclusion corporate media executive, yoga instructor and host of the podcast, “Hear us Roar” is a Rhythm & Blues / R&B singer known professionally as Baiyu. Being one of the first and only Asian R&B singers in the early 2000’s, Sara aka Baiyu, made a name for herself within the music industry. While she encountered many obstacles, her resilience and passion is incredibly inspiring and I cannot wait for you to hear her story.

Ep. 53: How One Warrior Fought For Her Country and Her Life – Brandi L. Benson
Today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is a FORCE in her life and for others. I’m honored to introduce you to Brandi L. Benson – a U.S. Army veteran, cancer survivor, entrepreneur and author of the book The Enemy Inside Me. Brandi encourages people to take charge of their healing journey following trauma or hardship. She shares the importance of mental health, resiliency, adaptability, and the beauty of being vulnerable. Today she shares how she beat the odds with Ewing’s Sarcoma, even when doctors told her it was nearly impossible.

Ep 52: IVF Journey Provides Tools for an Intentional Life
When you can talk babies, bad days and basketball all in one breath, you know you’ve made a connection. This week’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast feels like a conversation with a childhood friend sharing intimate stories of IVF and the angst we all feel during hard times. Three-time Emmy award winning TV reporter and producer, Kristen Hewitt, is known throughout Florida as the sideline reporter for the Miami Heat. She’s also an award winning writer and highly acclaimed entrepreneur running her full service communications agency misMEDIA. On this episode, Kristen shares tools that helped her deal with a decade of infertility that she still uses today when coping with anxiety and life’s stressors.

Ep. 51: Talking Ripped Dresses, Mercury Detox and Health Myths Debunked
Like a scene from a romcom movie, Gorgeous Esther, found her happily ever after in what seems like a comedy. Her dress ripped rushing out of a cab to a wedding in the middle of Manhattan. This resulted in her A-HA moment, which led her to love her body and teach others to do the same no matter the shape or size. This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is “Gorgeous” Esther Blum, an integrative dietician and high performance coach. She’s helped thousands of women permanently lose weight, eliminate the need for medication and reverse chronic illness. On today’s episode she shares her mercury detox story and has some fun debunking health myths with me.