“I was always striving but didn’t know what I was striving for!” On today’s episode of “Happiness Through Hardship – The Podcast, boundaries coach, Barb Nangle takes us through her addiction recovery journey and how she found a new meaning of life. For years she had been going to therapy but never seemed to be able to get to the root of her addiction. Barb shares her new perspectives including the importance of healthy boundaries and fulfilling relationships. She also talks about three tools that helped her and many others find joy and purpose in life. This episode is filled with heart and tons of resources for those touched with addition or other obstacles in life.

Ep. 69: From Chaos to Serenity – Addiction Recovery

Ep. 68: How Triggers are a Gift after Brain Bleed
“Triggers are a gift,” according to mom, wife and entrepreneur Beth Miller. She dives into this tricky topic and how we can work through them on this episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. Beth she shares her story of having a brain bleed at the young age of 39. As a mom and wife she found herself feeling a loss of identity and wanted to learn how she could cope with her harrowing healthy journey, including identifying triggers and working through them.

How to Start a Gratitude Practice
After my second cancer diagnosis, I started to research who was thriving with cancer and what were they doing to be well. I learned that wellness is about consistent self-care – creating everyday practices that help improve your body and mind toward a state of good health. And studies show – according to Harvard Medical School that within “positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness, which is why I promote small gratitude practices for all of us…And I’m here to show you how, check out my latest WTNH-TV wellness segment on this topic.

Ep. 67: A Traumatic Birth Led to a Beautiful Life – Embracing Disabilities
Trust in yourself – wise words from today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. Linda Remillard is a nurse, cancer survivor and incredible mother of three children. She has faced life’s challenges with grace, resiliency, and determination. At the age of 26, after experiencing a traumatic birth with her son, Bret, Linda immediately knew she would devote her life to learning, advocating and caring for him. Linda has created a beautiful life raising a child with developmental disabilities and a seizure disorder. She’s here to share her story as one mom who has faced the true meaning of strength and hope through parenting and beyond. Linda’s words can inspire you to trust in yourself no matter what hardship you are facing.

Ep. 66: Where Has the Sex Gone – Finding Intimacy
When did you first start talking about sex? Reading Cosmo magazine? Catching your first real R-rated movie? Or…when you listened awkwardly to the true, “birds and the bees” conversation. Never, in any of those chats, did they share how intimacy and sex changes as you age and especially as you go through chronic illness and cancer. This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is a Melbourne, Australia based clinician whose expertise focuses on sex and intimacy. Tess Devèze, founder of ConnectAble Therapies and author of A Better Normal is an occupational therapist and sexologist. This episode is full of strategies and suggestions for couples wanting more and curious how to do it. Whether you’re going through cancer, menopause or just too tired to prioritize intimacy, Tess has tons of ideas for you.

How To Give Your Pantry a Healthy Upgrade
Making healthy living easy has always been the goal…for my family, friends and YOU. When I changed my lifestyle eight years ago, I had found that creating checklists helped me efficiently stock products while also not overdoing it. As it’s getting colder, I’m now grabbing pantry items more readily. Ingredients for warm soups, hearty healthy whole grains and satisfying snacks fill my cabinet, so wanted to provide my resources. If you’re looking on how to give your pantry a healthy upgrade, we’ve got you covered.