Join us in November for two weeks of The Grateful Game Challenge. We will provide daily prompts/ideas in hopes of helping you create your own simple healthy living / gratitude practice. If you’ve been following @PrettyWellness on Instagram, you know that I play this with my son most nights before bed. We give ourselves a certain amount of time – usually two minutes – and then list what we are grateful for that day and WHY. This evening routine motivates us to look throughout the day to find positive things for which we are grateful. I’m hoping this rubs off on my son long term…so that he continually looks at the world with positivity and gratitude. Truthfully it helps me, too, and I invite you…

The Grateful Game Challenge

Episode 23: The Sisterhood of Cancer – Talking Advocacy & Angels
I’m excited and a little nervous to share with you today’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. Dana Donofree of AnaOno Intimates and I have come together to discuss one of the greatest assets in survivorship – the sisterhood that connects those who have been through cancer.

Episode 22: Stories & Suggestions on Navigating News
As we all know, there’s a ton going on in the world right now, which leaves many of us stressed when thinking about the news and our surroundings. On this episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, I’m excited to introduce you to Sarah Cody, a veteran journalist and TV anchor, three time Emmy winner, published writer and co-host of the “Parenting Beyond the Headlines” podcast. Sarah shares with us how she has managed to take care of herself while being immersed in many hard news stories. She talks about the value of being mindful with your media consumption and the benefit of sharing the news with your kids (or anyone) in a relatable manner.

Episode 21: Helping Find Your Vogue
Finding your vogue can help improve stress and self-care when having a hard time. Today’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship”- The Podcast is with Melissa Berry from Cancer Fashionista who shares how she did just that. Melissa’s a fashion and beauty publicist and a triple negative breast cancer survivor. After her diagnosis she was looking for the “vogue of cancer.” She couldn’t find one place that housed tips, tools and brands that helped cancer patients look and feel beautiful. So, she created it herself and started – Cancer Fashionista and on this episode she shares with us how tapping into beauty helped her through hardship.

Episode 20: How to Get a Good Slumber – The Sleep Whisperer on Stress & Self-care
Having a hard time sleeping? On this week’s episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, I’m excited to introduce you to Ingrid Prueher – aka Ingrid Baby Sleep Whisperer. She’s a holistic sleep expert who offers bilingual pediatric and adult sleep coaching services. Ingrid’s a former Wall Street research analyst who used her love of data and research to find holistic tools to improve the health of her family. She shares her thoughts on how stress as well as self-care can influence our sleep. In addition she showcases tons of tips on how to improve your slumber and your life. There’s something for everyone on this episode as Ingrid is full of resources and tons of fun.

Episode 19: A Caregiver’s Perspective on Healing, Hope and Happiness
Behind many bald heads, sad eyes and extremely tired cancer patients is a loving and thoughtful caregiver. This week’s episode on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, my husband and caregiver, Kevin, shares what we did right during our cancer experiences…as well as how we found fun, reduced a little stress and managed decisions with parenthood and cancer.