A DIY Herb Garden Encourages Kids to Eat Veggies

In many areas of life, I believe we will all look and feel better if we eat more veggies…especially for our kids. While growing tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and carrots truly drives home the message to eat more vegetables…we always start out small and take baby steps. So, to celebrate spring and Earth Day we set out to create our own easy indoor herb garden. I’m lucky to have a creative friend that loves to rally around wellness activities. Together with her kids and my son, we made shopping and planting our own herb garden a fun, family activity.

For Earth Day a DIY Kid's Herb Garden

The video highlights the supplies needed and short process from start to finish. I’ve included a few additional tips below that helped keep the task a good time for all.

What I love about hand-on activities is that my son and his friends feel such a sense of accomplishment in growing their own herbs. I then motivate them to eat more veggies by trying different ones with his herbs. We’ve also moved from growing just herbs to potted veggies. And, he LOVES eating those.

1. Be prepared. Have a list of what you want/need or if don’t know how to prep, shop at a small garden center and ask for help. Thanks to CAM for not only helping us prepare, but also guiding the kids with their little gardens.

2. Bring kid gardening gloves and shovels along. If you don’t, your child might throw a few new pairs in your cart.

3. Have a snack handy. Smelling all the fresh pre-planted herbs might make you hungry.

4. When you arrive at home, dump out the soil into a wheelbarrow or big bin so that the kids can shovel in the dirt like a sandbox. It’s fun for them and keeps the dirt contained.

5. Have your child smell the herbs while buying, planting and then eating. It will likely help them associate those scents with family fun times together.

Check us out on WTNH-TV talking about gardening with kids and how to inspire them to eat more veggies.

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Hire Caryn Sullivan to inspire your family, organization or team to embrace positivity and wellness personally or professionally. Check out her speaking engagement information and professional bio.
Fun Gardening Tools for Kids

Do you have any gardening secrets or healthy hints?

Enter here for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Home Depot to start your own kiddie herb garden.

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