“Triggers are a gift,” according to mom, wife and entrepreneur Beth Miller. She dives into this tricky topic and how we can work through them on this episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. Beth she shares her story of having a brain bleed at the young age of 39. As a mom and wife she found herself feeling a loss of identity and wanted to learn how she could cope with her harrowing healthy journey, including identifying triggers and working through them.

Ep. 68: How Triggers are a Gift after Brain Bleed

How to Start a Gratitude Practice
After my second cancer diagnosis, I started to research who was thriving with cancer and what were they doing to be well. I learned that wellness is about consistent self-care – creating everyday practices that help improve your body and mind toward a state of good health. And studies show – according to Harvard Medical School that within “positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness, which is why I promote small gratitude practices for all of us…And I’m here to show you how, check out my latest WTNH-TV wellness segment on this topic.

2021 Fall Wellness Trends
Looking for healthy lifestyle inspiration as the season changes? Minimalism and mindfulness continue to be a theme heading into the fall and winter. Here’s a look at some easy to apply 2021 fall wellness trends, in an effort to motivate you to take small steps toward better health and happiness.

25 Ways to Spread Love
The day I received the heartbreaking news of my stage IV disease, I felt lost and overwhelmed with fear. Though I had cancer before, stage IV felt scarier than the first diagnosis and I didn’t know what to do or where to reach out. Something pulled me to a spiritual place. I picked up the phone to call a priest who was close friends with my in-laws. He answered the phone and told me that his next appointment cancelled and I should drive over to meet him. Though we share a different faith, his words resonated and filled me with hope and was exactly what I needed at that time. What stood out to me most in the conversation was these words: “Caryn – live with a loving stance.”
Initially I thought, “what does that mean? How can I live with a loving stance in my own life?” Obviously, wise words from religious figures, role models, scholars or even greeting cards are meant to be interpreted individually. However, I saw it as not just about romantic love or self-love, but about spreading love in my day-to-day.

Holiday Health Habits & Stress Busters
Holidays can be stressful. Organizing multiple family functions. Stress! Creating memorable experiences. Stress! Finding meaningful gifts at decent prices. Stress! It can all be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be.
When it comes to being healthy, I’ve spent the last six years laser focused on how to live a healthy lifestyle focused on being well. As a two-time cancer survivor, most recently with stage IV disease, I research and try different wellness practices. I always search for modalities that work for me and then can share with others. My goal is to generate healthy living ideas to help make others’ lives easier. So as I jump into the holiday spirit, I’m sharing tips and tricks on how to stay healthy and bust stress this time of year. I believe that it’s all about taking smalls steps toward what you want…

28 Ways and Days of Self-Love
Back when I was a kid, I was HUGE fan of the pastel, sweet conversation heart candies. Not only did I devour the wintergreen tasting, chalky sugar in my teeth, the messages always made me smile. While those little bites packed me with too much sugar, they also filled me with self-love. Through my own research and journey within wellness, I’ve learned that positivity goes a long way. Our minds can be a big tool for resiliency and help with our own stress reduction. While it takes time to turn around habits, including learning to self-love, at Pretty Wellness we’re here to encourage you to take baby steps toward better health and happiness. While I won’t be eating any candy hearts to celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’m excited to celebrate by sharing 28 self-care and self-love ideas so we can all treat ourselves a little better.