Chronic illness, poor mental health and other disorders are topics trending throughout our daily feeds and today’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, Dr. Kenneth Bock, helps clarify hidden causes of these. Dr. Bock is a leader in integrative medicine with over 35 years of experience diagnosing the root causes of chronic illnesses and restoring balance to his patient’s immune systems. He’s a sought after medical leader; many of his patients travel throughout the world to experience his expertise at tackling medical problems that have been difficult to diagnose. On today’s episode we talk about his new book, Brain Inflamed and take a deep dive discussing inflammation, balancing our systems and eating for optimal living.

Ep. 50: Talking “Brain Inflamed” and Integrative Medicine

Ep. 49: Diabetes Diagnosis Drives Life-changing Innovations
A physician, investor, business executive, diabetes expert and double transplant recipient, Dr. Karin Hehenberger is wow-worthy and this week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. She spent nearly 20 years in leadership positions at big brands, large investment firms and now as Founder and CEO of Lyfebulb – a patient empowerment platform. Diagnosed with diabetes as a teen, Karin has been dedicated to research and innovation nearly ever since. She’s a true wonder woman personally and professionally and her story brings hope for many.

Ep. 48 – Top Ten Tips for Podcasting
We did it. ✨52 weeks ✨48 episodes✨Over 62 – 5 star rating on iTunes / Apple Podcasts = 1 year of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast! On this episode, I’m joined by a co-host, my husband, Kevin, who has spent his whole career working in sports and the digital space so has been incredibly helpful in my journey as an entrepreneur and podcast host. We share intel on podcasting and do a little behind the scenes of our life building my business. We hope you find it not only informational but a bit entertaining, too.

Ep. 47: Weight Loss & Wellness Helps Heal with Nediva Monroe
Have you ever been on prescription medication or a new medical treatment with weight gain as one of the side effects? This week on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, join me and guest, Nediva Monroe, in a conversation about managing weight and improving overall wellness while dealing with health issues. Nediva is a mother of three, an accountant as well as a six year breast cancer survivor with a beautiful success story about losing weight as well as embracing wellness to help her heal.

Ep 46: The Safety Mom on Hard Topics
“The Safety Mom” is this week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast. Kimberly King is a 3X time author, mother, sexual assault prevention facilitator and crisis counselor who creates simple tools for parents and kids to cope with hardship. She is all about “preparing – not scaring kids” and parents about tough situations. And she knows first hand…Kimberly is here to share her story and some kid-friendly strategies for families to use today. While the content can be heavy, our hope is that this episode today will make you feel more comfortable talking about hard topics with your kids, at any age!
**TRIGGER WARNING This episode contains information about sexual abuse, which may be triggering to survivors.**

8 Mother’s Day Gifts for the Wellness Enthusiast
I love to celebrate and create happy times around any holiday. So the Mother’s Day countdown has begun in our house. What I love most about these holidays isn’t always the present itself, but the sentiment behind it. Sure, if I was sent a brand new diamond-studded Apple watch or Peleton Bike+, the healthy gadget girl in me would jump for joy. However, it would be much more meaningful if the giver attached a note saying, “we know you love to power walk and spin; this watch will keep you on time and connected while also tracking your health data.” Thoughtful. Useful. Fun.
I love to create thoughtful gift ideas and am excited to showcase this year’s list of useful, fun and healthy Mother’s Day gifts for the wellness enthusiast.