A Search for Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Earth Day can be everyday and it can be easy to live a non-toxic lifestyle. Not only is recycling and reusing products important for our planet but also knowing what’s in our products can make a difference in our health. After my second diagnosis with breast cancer, I started investigating what might advance cancer and found a ton of information on toxic chemicals in our beauty and household cleansing products. I made quick changes and continue to investigate new products to see what works and what doesn’t. Now that I’ve spent the past few years paying more attention to the ingredients in my cleaning products and making sure they are non-toxic, it’s become second nature.

Tips for a Healthy Road Trip & Family Vacation

Have you ever come home from vacation nearly 10-pounds heavier than you were before you left? Did you give yourself the “I’m on Vacation” approval to eat anything at anytime? I’ve been there and done that. Ate gluttonously for weeks, then returned home with little motivation to eat better and exercise. Now my daily diet isn’t about losing weight and looking pretty, it’s about being well. Over five years ago, on my first real vacation after I started eating clean, I challenged myself to enjoy my vacation while maintaining my healthy lifestyle. I also gave some thought on how to help my family indulge, just not excessively.

5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

I used to make up a lot of excuses. I didn’t eat healthy because I was too busy. I couldn’t eat healthy because it was too expensive. I didn’t have a food budget because I didn’t think that discounts made a difference. I didn’t realize that with a little bit of time and thought, living healthy and saving money could be easy. We explore this topic on this week’s WTNH-TV Wellness Wednesday segment was about simple ways to eat healthy on a budget. 

15 Health Inspired Tween and Teen Books

As an adolescent social-butterfly, believe it or not, I adored the library. I seldom read teen books or investigated research. However, I craved connections. In addition to my childhood adventures with friends, I found other dynamic connections through books and magazines. I used to walk up the rows of the local library, likely procrastinating doing my homework, but also amazed at all the knowledge within those shelves. I grew from a kid that liked fictional stories to one that loved inspirational words and non-fiction information.

Now, as an adult, I enjoy going to the library to be inspired to write, connect to my passions and learn more. While tweens and teens today have so much data at their finger tips, I believe that they can connect to themselves, find their voices and learn healthy habits through a good book. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin, so we’ve created another healthy kids book list in hopes of inspiring your kids to enjoy healthy habits. We started with 50 Children’s Books that Promote Fitness and now we’re excited to have added 15 Health Inspired Tween and Teen Books below.

28 Ways and Days of Self-Love

Back when I was a kid, I was HUGE fan of the pastel, sweet conversation heart candies. Not only did I devour the wintergreen tasting, chalky sugar in my teeth, the messages always made me smile. While those little bites packed me with too much sugar, they also filled me with self-love. Through my own research and journey within wellness, I’ve learned that positivity goes a long way. Our minds can be a big tool for resiliency and help with our own stress reduction. While it takes time to turn around habits, including learning to self-love, at Pretty Wellness we’re here to encourage you to take baby steps toward better health and happiness. While I won’t be eating any candy hearts to celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’m excited to celebrate by sharing 28 self-care and self-love ideas so we can all treat ourselves a little better.

19 Wellness Trends for 2019

What’s new and what’s hot in wellness is right here – we’ve got the latest wellness trends for you. We’ve been attending events, reading trade publications and embracing conversations about healthy lifestyle modalities and what will be mainstream in 2019. Some of these items may stick, some may not…but we’re excited to share what in wellness will be more readily available this year. Below are our favorite 19 wellness trends for 2019.