I’ve said it many times, I’ve always loved carbs. Now that I eat clean, I choose wisely. Gone are the days when I’d eat a life-size bucket of white pasta with creamy sauces. Rather than eliminate all carbs, I focus on the complex ones. My latest favorite is the ancient whole grain, farro. It’s easy to add a ton of veggies and use cold-pressed oils for hearty salads. I’ve also found that tossed with sweet fruit, a farro bowl is a satisfying breakfast.

Recipe: Healthy Grain Salads
How to Make Cauliflower Rice, Healthy Tip of the Week
I was a carbaholic. Back in 1995, I bought cases of ramen for dinner, ate two bagels during staff meetings and frequented the vending machine at work regularly. My eating habits changed slightly with age recognizing that simple carbs were really unhealthy. Though I did stand behind eating whole grains rather than the “white ones,” I still felt bloated and packed on a few extra pounds because I ate mostly carbs and few vegetables. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I was looking to add more produce in my life that I started substituting vegetables for bread and pasta. I tried spaghetti squash, zucchini noodles aka zoodles and now I’m eating cauliflower rice.

Easy Recipe: Healthy Couscous Salad
As a super healthy eater, I love salads. I’m a huge fan of big leafy greens and will even make side dishes of quinoa salads. Since my son and husband enjoy more hearty meals, I’ve been playing around with different grains. I found that introducing one with a pasta-like consistency such as Israeli couscous opened my family’s mind to try others like quinoa, barley and farro.
This dish was a hit. Filled with beans, I served this to my husband for dinner and he felt satisfied. I’ve also found if I double the ingredients, it can be a side dish at night and leftover lunch the following day.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, 4/6
Did you stay connected to the world over the holiday weekend? Or did you enjoy festivities relaxing with friends and family discussing life’s adventures? Either way, in our Health & Wellness News & Info recap, you can catch up on the soft news that you may have missed or dive further into some interesting posts that can improve your overall well-being. This week, a shaved brussels sprouts salad recipe gets the presidential approval, CrossFit classes may go mainstream and publicity ramps up for a documentary about personal products and the environment.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, 3/30
What’s on your mind this week? Spring Break? Easter? Passover? Baseball season? On our mind and in this edition of our Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, dietitians discuss clean eating, GNC announces new quality control protocols and an inspirational post tells us about reframing thoughts, actions and attitudes.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, Week Ending 3/16
This week’s Health & Wellness News & Information recap highlights the ‘Kids Eat Right’ label, the safety of supplements, the soft-cover release of Thrive and an inspirational post in memory of a furry friend. Let us know what types of wellness stories interest you, so that we are providing a relevant round up that makes your life easier.