It’s finally spring. I love this time of year because I crave exercising and physical activity. Now that the days are longer and the weather is warming up, I’m back to walking with my neighbor, jogging the block with my 6-year old and playing family basketball in the driveway. Spring also means baseball season. If you’re a Yankees fan, you will be interested to hear more about the healthy changes in the clubhouse. Also in this week’s Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, a recent study releases information about the importance of moving around and an explanation of toxic chemicals in perfumes.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap 3/23

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, Week Ending 3/16
This week’s Health & Wellness News & Information recap highlights the ‘Kids Eat Right’ label, the safety of supplements, the soft-cover release of Thrive and an inspirational post in memory of a furry friend. Let us know what types of wellness stories interest you, so that we are providing a relevant round up that makes your life easier.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, Week Ending 3/8
Last week, the world honored Dr. Seuss on his birthday. I was talking to a friend about it, who laughed and asked me if green eggs could be considered a healthy choice. Surely the ones I created in elementary school were not, made with dark-green chemical dyes. Though today’s kids may have created scrambled egg whites with spinach and kale. This March, as the world continues to honor “Nutrition Month,” I suspect we will see more stories about the U.S. Dietary Guidelines proposal, as well as the push for uber-healthy, plant-based, wholesome, unpackaged foods. Below are the wellness stories I found compelling this week.
Healthy Veggie Pasta – How to Use a Spiralizer
I was a huge carb eater. I steered clear of Italian restaurants for years because I was afraid I wouldn’t have willpower when a huge, creamy and savory bowl of pasta was delivered to my seat. Now I love little Italian bistros because they often keep in store many fresh veggies and cook with extra virgin olive oil. In fact, one of my favorite local restaurants makes a special dish of sautéed zucchini pasta with veggies in garlic and oil for me.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, Week Ending 3/2
While last week’s stories in the Health & Wellness News & Info recap spoke about non-GMO candy, this roundup includes plant-based foods in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines proposal. In addition, there’s been talk about how cholesterol may not be such a big health issue, as well as how the rise of iPhone and individual devices may be causing hearing risks.

Health & Wellness News & Info. Recap, Week Ending 2/15
The web was appropriately filled with love stories and healthy heart recipes this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Stories have also focused on heart healthy initiatives honoring February as “Heart Health Month.” In other weekly wellness news around the web, the “Food Babe” released her first book and The Huffington Post gave us some tips on building a hazard-proof home. Below are some of the highlights.