Being a first time mom, I opted for organic items when my son began eating “real food.” As I tried to figure out parenthood, spending a tad more money on organic foods gave me reassurance that he was ingesting quality items. But as he grew into his personality and demanded “more desserts,” it has become easier to veer away from wholesome selections and find pre-packaged items.
Being a busy mom and often too tired to fight, I looked for alternatives that made him smile. Oreos, Cheez-its, and Lunchables not only were convenient, but also instantly made him grin from eat to ear. So, while I knew it was wrong, before a tantrum or even a busy week I often stocked up on these items. As I have re-evaluated my eating to detox the cancer from my body, small steps have been taken to clean up my 6-year old’s diet, as well.