Dining Out Healthy

I’ve always loved eating out. I have such fond memories devouring meatballs and spaghetti off the children’s menu at east coast diners. As I grew older, my family celebrated honorable report cards, choir concerts, dance recitals and mini-milestones at what I thought were fine-dining establishments: Mandarin Yen or Shakey’s Pizza. Even in high school, after football games, we congregated at Davanni’s, Carbonni’s, Perkins or my all-time favorite, Taco Bell. Whatever happy (often made up) non-traditional holiday we celebrated was at a restaurant. Truth be told, my mom was a fine cook, we just enjoyed the hassle free, family or friend focused meal. My mother also cooked healthy dinners, so dining out included gorging on cheesy pizzas, fried rice dishes and creamy pastas. I know better now that eating out doesn’t mean I have to let go of all inhibitions and start “my diet tomorrow.” While it’s tempting to overdo it, I’ve learned a few tips to keep my diet clean while enjoying a night out for travel, on business or just for fun.

DIY Non-Toxic “Green” Counter & Glass Cleaner Product, Pretty Wellness TV, Episode 12

When I first went “green” with household products, I researched a few days on the internet and then spent several hours at Whole Foods. I enjoyed sharing my adventures learning about the importance of using more natural ingredients with far less chemicals. However, I wish I would have stumbled upon this super quick and easy DIY non-toxic counter and glass cleaner product earlier. It takes a minute to make, uses only two ingredients and works on counters, glass and even produce.

Enjoy our new one-minute “How To” videos. This week, we demonstrate how easy it is to make a vinegar and water cleaning solution.

Let us know if you would make your own cleansers knowing it’s cheaper and easier than buying the pricey brands?

Starting a Non-Toxic Beauty Regimen, #BeautyCommunityUnite, Pretty Wellness TV, Episode 9

I can’t seem to remember my first makeup purchase. However, I have many vivid memories of embracing beauty trends ever since I was in elementary school. Many days were spent scouring the drug store for the right iridescent pink Wet & Wild lipstick. All the shops also sold Almay plum eyeliner, navy blue mascara and multi-colored Lee press-on nails, so my caboodle was filled with vibrant colored make-up. Though I spent a considerable amount of time getting dolled up with my girly friends, we only have a few Kodak Disk photos to show for it.

Today, us make-up lovers have many ways to share our experiences. Since changing my diet toward organic and non-toxic foods, I’ve also revamped my beauty routine. It took some researching and experimenting with various brands, but now, I’ve figured out how to easily shop clean for my skin-care regimen. I share with you how I started on this journey. Episode nine on Pretty Wellness TV showcases how to take small steps toward eliminating toxins in your beauty routine.

Healthy Holiday Travel Tips: Pretty Wellness TV, Episode 8

During my childhood Thanksgiving road trips, my sister and I built small forts in the backseat, hung Barbie dolls out the window, and made frequent snack stops. We typically sat in tons of traffic on our way to Chicago, so I also listened to my Michael Jackson, Madonna and Violent Femmes (yes, I had some awkward years) soundtracks over and over again while snacking on my secret stash of gummy cola bottles. In addition, we always whined for rest stop sweet treats. So, by the end of the eight-hour drive, our bodies would crash from all the carbs.

Now that I have a child, I often think about packing smart, so that whether we are traveling on the road or from airport to airport, we have healthy options available. All it takes is a few minutes of planning and a little space in your bag.

We are here to help you prepare with this week’s Wellness Wednesday episode.

Please share with us a comment or two about your silly childhood road trip memories.


Family Fitness at Home Tips: Pretty Wellness TV, Episode 5

We’re back with episode five of Pretty Wellness TV after a week of strep throat. We lounged around a lot indoors and then it got cold. So, we transitioned our workouts to indoor activities. Here, we share what we did and how we made fitness fun.

Please comment and let us know how you stay fit when cooped up inside your home.