Walk into a brightly decorated mall or turn on a TV-connected device and you will hear sounds of holiday songs reminding us that the season is here. I love all the Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s festivities bringing people together. In theory, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. However, it can be stressful to shop for thoughtful gifts when you have an already busy schedule. That’s why I LOVE sharing with you my favorite healthy gift ideas that help promote wellness. This year, we continue to highlight presents that will wow the healthy living enthusiast and motivate those that want to take small steps toward better health.

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2018

KIDS: Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2015
How do you holiday shop for your kids?
Do you urge them to create a list and then shop-til-you-drop searching for those top items?
Or, do you look for the hottest sales and find toys that you know your child will love?
I’ve found a middle of the road approach. I, too, love providing my son with what he really wants. I’m sure this year the holiday ninjas will be dropping a few Ninjago Legos upon our door. However, I’m also on a quest for presents that educate and inspire him to understand healthy living – think toys, games and other kiddie activities that teach a lesson, while focusing on fun. We shared our ideas last year on PrettyWellness.com with our first Healthy Holiday Gift Guide for Kids. Since it was a success, we’re making this an annual feature.