Ep. 79: Little Lifestyle Changes with ShiftCon CEO

Do you want a healthier lifestyle, but can’t decide on your next step? We can help. On this episode of “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, Ari Adams, CEO of ShiftCon, shares what wellness practices helped her through hardship. Ari’s story consists of twists and turns and her family history led her to make healthy lifestyle changes. Many of these are easy yet effective and she maintains them today for an optimal mind, body and soul.

Ep. 74: Intermittent Fasting and Living Cleanish

Have you ever struggled with yo-yo dieting? Do you feel lack of energy, itchy skin or mid-day blues? If you can relate, this episode about living cleanish is for you. This week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast is Gin Stephens, a vivacious educator now author/podcast host as well as IF and healthy lifestyle expert. Gin shares her story struggling with weight and how Intermittent Fasting (IF) finally helped. While adapting to a healthy aka cleanish lifestyle, she learned she could feel good, be well and not deny herself. In her new book, Clean(ish) and on this episode, she charismatically talks about real foods, a healthier home and life with less toxins.

Green Festival Expo: Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, 4/27

Every week since the New Year, PrettyWellness.com has been top-lining soft news stories about health and wellness in our Health & Wellness News & Info Recap. Armed with a passionate for following trends in wellness circles, I have really enjoyed providing summaries and insights on eating clean, being active, living without toxins and inspirational stories. Since I attended the Green Festival Expo in New York City a few days ago it seemed appropriate for this week’s “News & Info Recap” to cover this event about sustainability and green living.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, 4/20

Now that it’s truly spring, I’m less stressed because in the past few weeks, I’ve been able to be outside. I’ve also power walked to the beach, my zen place. I see exercise as a daily necessity, a part of my cancer treatment and wellness plan. I used to fight it daily, procrastinating “working out.” Now, I’ve accepted that I need to do it and make sure that I at least walk 30-60 minutes a day. This week, in our Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, my favorite post cites another few studies that promote the importance of walking every day for disease prevention. Enjoy this story and others about clean eating, active living and non-toxic living.