Do you struggle to ask for help? Does it often seem easier to do it on your own? On today’s episode of “Happiness Through Hardship” – The Podcast, host Caryn Sullivan and Breast Friends Fund founder, Sandy Cassanelli, have a conversation about the importance of asking for help during hard times or even in our day-to-day routines. Whether it’s cancer, chronic illness or the stress of parenting, work or life…we all can benefit with a little extra help. Caryn and Sandy share their thoughts and ideas on how to take that step as well as research to support its importance.

Ep. 70: How to Ask for Help

Ep. 30: A Love Story – Managing Menopause and Caregiving Cancer Together
I’m honored and excited to introduce you to this week’s guest on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast – Anne Cannon-Wilson. She’s an author, philanthropist, retired business manager and mother of two amazing daughters. She had worked side by side with her late husband, Don, for 25 years to help grow the family business and retired 18 years ago to pursue her own passions. On today’s episode Anne shares her love story. She talks about how through sickness and health, thoughtful and supportive caregiving for a spouse is essential. We cover life experiences including menopause and cancer as well as dive into our healthy habits and so much more.

Episode 19: A Caregiver’s Perspective on Healing, Hope and Happiness
Behind many bald heads, sad eyes and extremely tired cancer patients is a loving and thoughtful caregiver. This week’s episode on “Happiness through Hardship” – The Podcast, my husband and caregiver, Kevin, shares what we did right during our cancer experiences…as well as how we found fun, reduced a little stress and managed decisions with parenthood and cancer.