Do you struggle to ask for help? Does it often seem easier to do it on your own? On today’s episode of “Happiness Through Hardship” – The Podcast, host Caryn Sullivan and Breast Friends Fund founder, Sandy Cassanelli, have a conversation about the importance of asking for help during hard times or even in our day-to-day routines. Whether it’s cancer, chronic illness or the stress of parenting, work or life…we all can benefit with a little extra help. Caryn and Sandy share their thoughts and ideas on how to take that step as well as research to support its importance.

Ep. 70: How to Ask for Help

Cancer Conversations and Finding Happiness and Hope
When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer at age 31, I was clueless where to begin. Should I go with the physician I felt most comfortable? Should I get a zillion opinions? What questions should I ask doctors? Should I tell everyone? Do I want them to help? I didn’t know, which cancer resource to read. In fact, I had never had any cancer conversations. AND on top of all that, I was a newlywed and wanted to be happy. There’s no one secret recipe on how to be happy in life during the ups and downs, however I’ve found some ways that have helped me find joy during my cancer journey.