4 Healthy Tips to Create a Non-Toxic New Home

I’ve heard from many feng-shui fans that removing clutter is a surefire way to increase productivity, remove toxins and promote happiness. I used to rolled my eyes at these comments the same way I did when my mother used to tell me to clean my room. Truth be told, though, I’m now a believer. Within the past few months, we sold a home that we lived in for more than 11 years, as well as bought and moved into a new one. We owned a ton of stuff and plenty that accumulated a lot of chemically-ridden dust that you can’t just “green clean.” During the move-out process, filling up the driveway dumpster was cathartic. Each box I threw away felt like I was removing toxins from my life. And I was…both literally and figuratively. Once we moved into the home, we took a few steps to assure it was an extremely healthy environment. I’m now on a mission to create an even more healthy non-toxic home and here is what I’ve done so far.

The Best Little League Coaches Instill Healthy Life Lessons

Healthy living is important to me, not just as a cancer survivor and thriving professional, but as a hands-on parent hoping to instill valuable habits for life. So when my son turned four, he joined the ranks of hopeful baseball greats and played his first season of Tee-Ball. Our family has always appreciated the sport, both my husband and I were raised by fathers that whipped out the old fashion scoring book while listening to the games on the radio. While I’m glad we started him young, it wasn’t until this season that we felt the passion of America’s favorite pastime with our child. And boy did we see fireworks. Beyond the sport itself, this season of coach pitch baseball was filled with healthy life lessons. So to all the committed, nurturing, skilled and leadership driven Little League coaches like ours this year – I say thanks.

Health & Wellness News & Info Recap, Week Ending 3/8

Last week, the world honored Dr. Seuss on his birthday. I was talking to a friend about it, who laughed and asked me if green eggs could be considered a healthy choice. Surely the ones I created in elementary school were not, made with dark-green chemical dyes. Though today’s kids may have created scrambled egg whites with spinach and kale. This March, as the world continues to honor “Nutrition Month,” I suspect we will see more stories about the U.S. Dietary Guidelines proposal, as well as the push for uber-healthy, plant-based, wholesome, unpackaged foods. Below are the wellness stories I found compelling this week.